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Tiger from the rear
Tiger's Tail
My visit to Hamerton Zoo in Cambridgeshire was very useful, as I wanted
to watch tigers, and they have an excellent collection.
I spent plenty of time near the enclosure of the Malaysian tiger, and was
ably to watch and film a lovely tigress in motion.
I like to see some movement and behaviour of wildlife if I am able, so this
was a day well spent.
I decided to make a study in colour pencil, from an unusual angle, at the rear -
as I felt this showed off her lean and agile body to good effect.
to watch tigers, and they have an excellent collection.
I spent plenty of time near the enclosure of the Malaysian tiger, and was
ably to watch and film a lovely tigress in motion.
I like to see some movement and behaviour of wildlife if I am able, so this
was a day well spent.
I decided to make a study in colour pencil, from an unusual angle, at the rear -
as I felt this showed off her lean and agile body to good effect.

Tiger's Tail